
  • Empathy in leadership

    The role of empathy in high-performing teams

    Empathy is perhaps one of the toughest leadership tools to master. It requires courage of convictions, commitment to a vision and extreme emotional control.

  • How to: run a great one on-one-meeting

    One-on-ones should be a top priority, but you’ve probably never had formal training on how to run them effectively. Here’s 5 tips from the experts.

  • Feedback is a gift: how to give it effectively

    Want to help someone? Feedback is a gift you can give them. Learn 5 tips to delivering it with clarity and kindness.

  • How to be your own hype girl: The art of self-promotion

    How to authentically nail the art of self promotion and build your personal brand.

  • Quotas work. Let’s scrap them.

    At a time where women leaders are quitting their positions in droves, organisations need to flip the script from quotas to qualities.

  • Are you managing or leading?

    The labels are often used interchangeably, but the skills required to be a good leader are the opposite of those of a manager. Here are 3 tips to making the transition.

  • 3 career habits to break (and 1 to make) in 2024

    Looking for a new career challenge this year? Learn how to break 3 career-limiting habits that are holding you back, and make one that will help you achieve positive change.

  • How to ask for feedback

    Are you one of 63% of employees hungry to hear how they’re performing? Learn 3 things you can do to get more feedback and how to receive it.

  • 5 communication lessons from Queen of Pop, Indra Nooyi

    Indra Nooyi, an Indian-born American businesswoman and one of the world’s most popular leaders, took PepsiCo’s top spot in 2006. The architect of Performance with Purpose, Nooyi transformed the company over 12 years – delivering 80% growth alongside pioneering strategies to improve the company’s impact on people and the planet. We’ve bottled her top communication lessons to give you the cheat sheet.

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