women leadership

  • How to be your own hype girl: The art of self-promotion

    How to authentically nail the art of self promotion and build your personal brand.

  • Quotas work. Let’s scrap them.

    At a time where women leaders are quitting their positions in droves, organisations need to flip the script from quotas to qualities.

  • How to: Run an effective meeting

    Most meetings stink. Yes, even the ones you organise. These six meeting hacks are backed by science – so let’s reclaim our precious time.

  • Are you managing or leading?

    The labels are often used interchangeably, but the skills required to be a good leader are the opposite of those of a manager. Here are 3 tips to making the transition.

  • The power of empathetic leadership

    As the world grapples with climate change, automation, and disruption, we’ve learned that diverse teams are better at solving pressing challenges. And guess what diverse employees need? Empathetic leaders. 

  • 3 career habits to break (and 1 to make) in 2024

    Looking for a new career challenge this year? Learn how to break 3 career-limiting habits that are holding you back, and make one that will help you achieve positive change.

  • Is Imposter Syndrome holding you back? 🎙

    Imposter syndrome describes a feeling most of us have experienced. While there’s no official diagnosis, the phenomenon is a form of self-doubt – and has a very real impact on the 82% of people who experience it. An affliction of high-achievers, we share 3 ways to boost your confidence.

  • Mind the pay gap

    Have you ​​ever assumed that if you do well, your performance will be recognised and rewarded? Organisations are still paying different amounts for the same job, so it’s up to you to ensure you receive fair pay!

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