Learn how to build your professional support crew, influence stakeholders and navigate key workplace relationships.
What if we designed networking for women?
If we want more women in positions of power and influence (which, by the way, we really do), there’s only one way to do it: we need to connect our way up.
Got a seat at the meeting table? Make it count.
Women have a seat at the meeting table but still struggle to have our voices heard. These well-known techniques will help establish your leadership presence.
Getting comfortable with conflict
Managing difficult dynamics, different opinions, and direct feedback can be challenging when you’ve been conditioned to ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’.
The power of a period
Period hacking, cycle synching, biohacking; it’s a thing. Is it time to design our work around our rhythms?
How to manage your manager
Unfortunately, bad managers can be a miserable reality of the workplace. Yes, we get it. It’s not your job to manage your manager. Except that it is.
Part 1: Get job-hunting fit – Before you start looking
Most of us think job hunting starts when we’re actively looking… But it’s long before then.
Conflict Resolution 101: Strengthening your resilience
We all have different thresholds for conflict, but one thing unites us: shying away from issues only makes them worse. Instead, here’s how to address small issues quickly.
How to turn your personal network into a professional superpower
We excel at building valuable personal relationships that boost our mental health, social connectedness and emotional well-being. But how often do you talk to your friends about work?
How men can contribute to gender equity
Gender equality isn’t a women’s issue – here’s how men can contribute to the cause.
The generational divide doesn’t need to mean an organisational one
As Baby Boomers leave the workforce, Millennials are moving into leadership positions, and Gen Z are making their mark.
Unlock the power of stakeholder management
Who’s critical to your success, and how are you keeping them informed and engaged?
Leadership toolkit: The power of storytelling
Boost your leadership toolkit by becoming a storytelling pro. Learn three ways to influence, engage and inspire through personal anecdotes and personal stories.
How to build your professional board of directors
Want to advance in your career? Mentors, sponsors, coaches and peer groups play a pivotal role in our success, but their differences aren’t well understood.
Book club: the best books for women leaders
Powrsuit Book Club: Books every women leader should read to hone skills, build confidence and learn your leadership style.
Team-building on a shoestring budget
Teams boost creativity, and there are a lot of creative ways to bond on a shoestring budget – without the cringe factor.
Sick of taking on other people’s problems?
Is solving other people’s problems really an act of care? Women might be great problem-solvers, but we don’t always address the problems this can create.
Connecting for success: The power of LinkedIn
70% of professionals get hired by organisations they have an existing connection with. Here’s how to boost your LinkedIn network by being yourself.
How to: Create your elevator pitch
You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression, so your professional elevator pitch counts. Learn how to confidently convey your value.
How to stop doing everyone else’s work
Overwhelmed at work? Your delegation skills may be letting you down. Learn five actionable ways to get out of doing and back to leading.
The role of empathy in high-performing teams
Empathy is perhaps one of the toughest leadership tools to master. It requires courage of convictions, commitment to a vision and extreme emotional control.