Top tips, hacks and pragmatic actions to boost your effectiveness and make an impact on your terms.
Too much on your plate? Here’s the solution.
We get it. Life is busy. But while a fully loaded plate may be manageable, an overloaded one isn’t.
Procrastination: Stop stalling, start doing
We all put off important stuff, even though we know it’ll come back to bite us. We all do it, we’re all aware we do it, and we all seem unable to kick the habit despite knowing how irrational it is.
Conflict Resolution 101: Strengthening your resilience
We all have different thresholds for conflict, but one thing unites us: shying away from issues only makes them worse. Instead, here’s how to address small issues quickly.
How to leave your comfort zone (minus the cliches)
As productive as your comfort zone is, it’s a good idea to get out of it every now and then. Here’s three simple ways to embrace change every day.
Purposeful goals: making SMART goals smarter
Are you setting goals all wrong? Make your SMART goals smarter with the missing ingredient: meaning.
Unlock the power of stakeholder management
Who’s critical to your success, and how are you keeping them informed and engaged?
Calendar hacks to make you more effective
Achieve more and maintain your well-being by using your calendar effectively. Discover five ways to reclaim time for more meaningful work.
The most powerful word in your vocabulary is ‘no’
Got big things to achieve in your career? Here’s how to say ‘no’ to the wrong things so you can say ‘yes’ to the right ones.
Pick me! Strategic yeses
A strategic yes means putting our hands up for opportunities that take us another step towards where we want to go. Here’s how to identify and action them.
Book club: the best books for women leaders
Powrsuit Book Club: Books every women leader should read to hone skills, build confidence and learn your leadership style.
Team-building on a shoestring budget
Teams boost creativity, and there are a lot of creative ways to bond on a shoestring budget – without the cringe factor.
Good things take time: the power of deep work
Women are productivity machines, but to really move the needle in our organisations (and our careers), deep work matters.
Connecting for success: The power of LinkedIn
70% of professionals get hired by organisations they have an existing connection with. Here’s how to boost your LinkedIn network by being yourself.
How to: run a great one on-one-meeting
One-on-ones should be a top priority, but you’ve probably never had formal training on how to run them effectively. Here’s 5 tips from the experts.
5 simple ways to learn by doing 🎙️
Women are less likely to put ourselves forward for promotions, projects, and payrises. Learn how to leave your comfort zone and GO FOR IT.
What if it all works out? The power of positivity
We spend too much time thinking about everything that could go wrong, instead of planing for it to all go RIGHT. Learn how to default to positivity.
Welcome to our new podcast: PowrUp 🎙️
Think of us as your personal cheerleaders, providing the tools to equip yourself with the confidence and skills to shape your career on your terms.
The 4-day workweek is gaining steam
The modern work week is a relatively new invention, and studies are showing some good reasons to change it.
We need to talk about ChatGPT
This new co-pilot for the web will be an ‘efficiency tool’. It’ll make customer conversations and shopping easy. But Chat GPT isn’t perfect… Yet.
How to ask for feedback
Are you one of 63% of employees hungry to hear how they’re performing? Learn 3 things you can do to get more feedback and how to receive it.