Customise a package around your needs, and commit to 10+ memberships to unlock volume pricing and other great partner benefits.
Become a Powrpartner
Commit to 10+ memberships to unlock partner benefits, including regular engagement updates and Impact Reports, a dedicated Account Manager, and:
Kick-off internal mini-masterclass
Experience the Powrsuit difference with a one-off mini-masterclass for your organisation. During this 45 minute, high-impact internal training, you’ll announce the partnership and application process.

Spotlight partner interview
We love to celebrate our partner’s commitment to investing in your people with a spotlight partner interview on our social channels (see an example) and your logo on our website.

Want one-off training?
Maximum value in minimal time. Delivered online or in-person, Powrsuit’s interactive workshops build critical leadership skills through practical, hands-on activities. Popular workshops include:
The PowrPitch
Dread meeting introductions (and networking events)? Learn how to introduce your value, superpower, evidence and offer/ask in 20 seconds!
The Powr of Personal Brand
Embrace your unique leadership style. Uncover your unique strengths and superpowers and apply them to supercharge your career.
Saying No, to Say Yes
Non-promotable work costs individuals and organisations. Master the professional ‘no’ so you can prioritise strategic yeses.
Rocks, Pebbles, Sand
Stuck in the busyness trap? How to navigate competing priorities and focus on moving the needle.
Networking on Your Terms
Can’t make Friday drinks? Learn how to embrace micro-networking to curate career-enhancing connections.
Redefining Executive Presence
Vague labels are riddled with bias. Learn what executive presence really means and how you develop it authentically.
Pricing: $999 – $5,000